January 01, 2012


Welcome to the little corner of the crafting universe that is Quirky Platypus. And it is just that, literally a little corner in my house.

Complete with a trusty helper cat. He pretty much just lives there on the back of my chair.

I have tried (and failed) at this blogging thing a couple several times before. I think my usual problem is that I try to make my blogs too focused on one thing. So this blog will just be a catch all for whatever I am thinking and doing at the time. Including family and "mommy blog" stuff.

I have three major crafts I like to do (knitting, cross stitch, and sewing) and have a tendency to jump from one to another and forget the others for months, or even years, at a time. I am going to try to keep up with all of them better this year. I also cook, A LOT, so that will probably be making appearances, along with an occasional crochet project.

Monthly Craft Goals for 2012:
Other Craft Goals for 2012
  • Quilt for Aubrey's Birthday
  • Tree Skirt (I am thinking sewn and some sort of design cross stitched on it)
  • Get Etsy shop opened with patterns and objects for sale
  • Do more crafts with my kids
Doesn't look like much, but with two small kids (4 years old, and 1 year old) to keep up with it should be plenty to keep me busy. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy to finally see your little sewing corner! I love those polka dot bins! I'm so happy you are blogging again!
